Since 2011, thanks to the reforms undertaken in the field of quality assessment of higher education, the role of accreditation as one of the main tools for improving the quality of educational services has been significantly strengthened. According to Article 9-1 of the "Law on Education" of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accreditation is carried out voluntarily by non-profit non-governmental organizations. The educational organization independently selects the accreditation body. The State reserves the right to regulate accreditation providers by recognizing and including them in the National Register of Accredited Bodies.

National and international accreditation agencies in Kazakhstan are guided by the Standards and Guidelines in the field of quality assurance of higher education in the European Area (ESG — European Standards and Guidelines), approved by the largest European association for quality assurance of higher Education - ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).

Harmonization of external and internal quality assessment procedures with international and European standards, as well as membership of accreditation bodies in ENQA – the way to the recognition of the Kazakh education system at the European level.